She Wear

Client Overview

She Wear is a brand that focuses on providing high-quality footwear and workwear designed specifically for women. With a commitment to safety, comfort, and style, they have established a strong presence in their market.

Services Rendered

Our team was tasked with managing She Wear’s Google Ads campaigns. The objective was to optimize their ad spend, enhance their digital presence, and drive higher revenue through effective online advertising.

Strategies and Implementation


Account Audit

The first step involved conducting a comprehensive audit of their existing Google Ads account. This helped identify underperforming areas, ineffective strategies, and opportunities for optimization. We noticed there were duplicate goal set-up,


Campaign Setup

We then established a more effective campaign structure, focusing on targeting the right audience segments, and refining ad creatives and messaging to better resonate with She Wear’s customer base.


Daily Monitoring and Weekly Reporting

A proactive approach to campaign management was adopted. Daily monitoring allowed for quick adjustments based on ad performance, while weekly reporting provided insights into campaign effectiveness and areas for further improvement.

Results Achieved

In just the first month, we managed to decrease advertising costs by 34%. This was a significant reduction, allowing for more efficient use of the advertising budget.

We increased the revenue generated from the ads by 17%. This growth in revenue indicated that not only were the ads reaching the right audience, but they were also compelling enough to drive purchases.

The Return On Ad Spend (ROAS) improved from 4 to 6, signifying a more profitable advertising investment.

Key Success Factors

The thorough audit of the Google Ads account was crucial, as it laid the groundwork for all subsequent strategies.

The identification and implementation of a proper campaign setup ensured that the ads were targeted and relevant.

Continuous monitoring and regular reporting kept the campaigns aligned with the set objectives and allowed for agile adjustments.

Channel Development & Management

Marketing Asset Creation

Digital Champ excels as an industry leader in propelling profitable performance at scale across every major advertising platform globally. Our expertise lies in developing and managing channels effectively while creating impactful marketing assets that resonate with your audience and amplify your brand presence.

Daily Channel Management

Our team at Digital Champ stands at the forefront of driving profitable performance at scale across a diverse range of major advertising platforms worldwide. We specialize in the meticulous daily management of these channels, ensuring consistent growth and success for your brand.

Live and Insightful Reporting

From the initial interaction to the final click, Digital Champ provides comprehensive access to analytics and performance dashboards. This transparency ensures you are always informed and in control, with a clear understanding of your campaign's performance at every stage.

Iterative Testing

At Digital Champ, we focus on maximizing your ROI by employing our advanced testing technology and adhering to industry-leading best practices. This approach is pivotal in driving scale and enhancing the efficiency of your marketing efforts, ensuring optimal results and continuous improvement.

Channels We Manage

Paid Social






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